***Please make sure all submission materials are set to public and remain so till the conclusion of the festival. We're looking forward to watching your funniest stuff but due to the number of submissions if we are unable to access your video due to incorrect privacy settings it will not be reviewed.***
This submissions is for Stand-up performers.  
Festival Dates:Sept 9th-14th  Submission Fee: $40  (Venmo @Jen-Stencel , Submission will NOT be reviewed until payment is complete).
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Email *
Confirm Email *
Name *
Stage Name (if Different from above)
Phone *
Address *
Live Performance Video Link (5-8 min for Stand-Up) Make sure it's set to public. *
Which dates are you available for performance during the fest. ***Shows will be scheduled based on the dates you select so please review your choices before submitting*** *
Link to Headshot (should be a direct download link for a .jpg )***Make sure to link actual file and not just to a page where the head-shot is embedded. PUBLIC dropbox or google drive link preferred. Link needs to remain active till the start of the fest for promotional purposes*** *
Performer Bio (if accepted this will be used for publicity and to help sell shows please give a short professional bio) *
Link to Facebook page
Instagram Username (just whatever would come after the @)
Any special tech requirements for your act? 
Any thing else we should know? (ie North Carolina/Greensboro connections, Other comics who recommended you apply to the fest etc.)
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